It is virtually impossible for PunctureSafe to hide or mask a dangerous puncture. Worldwide usage and countless in-house tests which have been performed have shown that PunctureSafe will not seal a tyre that has received a puncture that would weaken the tyre's inner structure to a point that could be dangerous.
PunctureSafe does not have any of the failings that previous and many present products have. Apart from drying and balling up in the tyre, the biggest failings of traditional tyre sealants in a high speed tyre, was the inability to seal small holes, but the ability to seal a large dangerous hole or cut, because they contained large chunks of chopped up rubber. Whereas Puncturesafe contains only tiny strands of coarse surface synthetic fibres that are stronger than steel when they interlock tightly together, but will only positively seal small holes caused by puncturing objects up to 6mm in diameter, but only in a hole that is in the tread area of the tyre, and that is shrinking in size because there is no cord damage (rubber recovery), which is 95% of today's high speed punctures. Anything bigger, or in the sidewall, with or without cord damage, and the Puncturesafe fibres just slowly bleed through the hole, giving a controlled deflation, and usually with a halt or abrupt slow down in air pressure loss at the lower pressures of 10 to 15 psi (depending on cord damage) which prevents damaged rims, and helps the driver maintain control and possibly enabling continuation of the journey to remove the vehicle from a possibly dangerous location.
If a tyre receives a dangerous puncture, PunctureSafe allows air to bleed, providing additional time for the driver to bring the vehicle to a controlled stop. This safety factor can reduce potential blowouts from becoming a dangerous situation. Many security fleets utilise PunctureSafe for its ability to provide a high degree of safety and reliability rather than Puncturesafe's cost savings and tyre life extension qualities.